January 25th 2017


What an amazing team of Cosmic Masters have stepped forward for this week's free healing session. I felt awed to be standing in the Ascended Masters portal presenting each person on this week's free healing list. These three Masters in a very gentle and delicate way showed me they were awakening these people to the next level of their ascension, so they could start to step into their divinity. This was a gentle session filled with love and mindfulness.

If you want a one on one session with these Masters or any others, we have the 24 hour healing, so you don't just receive the 15 minutes, but 24 hours. It definitely is a blessing to be placed in the portal with a Master for 24 hours.

The initial level of awakening can be scary. A whole new world opens up and your daily life can be affected. You may start to see and experience the world in a different way. The awakenings continue, there isn't just one awakening. The movement is from internal self, to external service and back to self, and back to external service, the spiral of ascension turns as we climb higher and higher.

We all ascend in a way that is unique to us, the experiences are unique to us. Respect all, no ones process is greater or lesser. Everyone will have different awakenings and different experiences, every experience is valid and sacred. I could see these three Masters today in the portal healing very gently and honoring the individual process of each person.

Respect all and love all.