Ascended Masters Diary - 15.3.2017

Hello, Heart hugs,
This week we had the first group gathering here at the Ascended Masters portal of those who had passed the 6th and 7th initiations (and one 4th). The vibration was high, some immediate ascension occurred for some and most of all we got to mix and mingle in a safe and loving place. The Masters gathered among us, we meditated, laughed, shared and ate glorious food. Hopefully there will be more such gatherings.

When we pass the 6th initiation we involuntarily start to take on the karma of others and by doing this help others to ascend. We only ascend by clearing all of our karma, when we have no karma left and our chakras are 100% light, then we pass the 5th initiation and leave the cycle of rebirth. Those at the 6th initiation as part of their own ascension process help to clear the karma of others, by involuntarily taking a little of a persons karma into their own higher vibration chakra system for clearing. After the 7th initiation, we get to choose whose karma we take on. I choose to take on a little of the karma of those who have passed the 4th initiation and are approaching the 5th initiation. By doing this I know I am helping to speed their ascension. I passed the 7th initiation 18 months ago and this is one of my services to humanity.
We now have 53 people passed the 6th initiation and 5 people nearly 6 people passed the 7th initiation. What we can do is small, when looking at humanity as a whole, but individually all these people are making a difference.

So what can you do to clear your own karma? and help in your own ascension process. Everyone makes karma every day with their thoughts, words and actions. It is just part of the human condition. The trick is to reduce your amount of daily karma, so the daily karma paid exceeds the daily karma made.

You can do this by having heart based thoughts, heart based speech and heart based actions. This way of being helps to stop you making karma with your thoughts, words and actions.
When you find yourself thinking something negative, stop, forgive yourself, and continue to try to have more heart based thoughts. The same with speech, try to speak from a place of love, kindness and respect, and this is to everyone you encounter, whether it is someone you don't know like a retail person, to your co-workers, your children, partner etc. and the same with actions.
If you do this your heart chakra will start to change from green to pink. Everyone who passes the 5th initiation will have a pink heart chakra, showing they have moved into a state of unconditional love.

The Ascended Masters have made Violet Flame oil in their portal. Violet Flame oil helps clear the dross in your chakras, so the karma comes up for release in a gentle way. Because paying karma is the other side of the picture. The heart based thoughts words and actions, doesn't pay your karma, it just helps limit what karma you do make daily. Karma made, must be paid. The Violet flame oil, clears the story and dross, so when the karma comes up for release it occurs in a quick and gentle way. We have seen, Violet Flame oil, does help speed up the ascension process.

And now to the free ascension healing. The Master giving this week's free ascension healing is Melchizedek. He said he is healing the microcosm within the macrocosm of those on the free ascension healing list.