8th November 2018

St John the Baptist, Ganesh and Jesus addressed ascension issues for those on the free healing list this week. They looked at clearing past life death memories. 

Death is not a topic we associate with ascension, so I rarely mention it. Holding the premise that we have had thousands of past lives before we get to the stage of ascension, then each of us must have had thousands of deaths and births too. 

So, what happens at death (and birth)?

Everyone on Earth in a body who hasn't passed the 5th initiation has an Earth Star and a Soul Seat. The Earth Star sits in the body of the Mother Earth about six inches beneath our feet and the Soul Seat sits just below the collar bone on the chakra line. These are both the receptacles for our past lives. When we die, all the information of our past lives, our current life and our karma is downloaded into the Earth Star from our Soul Seat. It sits there in the Mother Earth waiting for the rebirth. When we are reborn, everything uploads from the Earth Star back into our Soul Seat, and from there some goes to the chakras.

When we die the soul goes back to our Higher Self and when we are born the soul returns to the body to reside in the Soul Seat with all the data from the Earth Star. So, Soul goes to the Higher Self and data goes to the Earth Star. The death memories from our past lives have been moving back and forth from Soul Seat to Earth Star with each life and death experience, waiting to be cleared. 

The Higher Self decides when we are coming back into body, who we are being born to, what lessons we will be encountering, and what karma will be paid. Higher Self is the personal god of the Soul.

We live on a freewill planet, so here on Earth we (the lower Self) get to decide quite a bit here on Earth. We are not totally confined to just our lessons and karma.

This brings me to suicide. Because this is a freewill planet, we can choose to end our life. This means the person is more or less saying to their Higher Self this life is too hard, I am too depressed, I can't find my way, and so I want to die. Higher Self allows for this choice, knowing there are always more lives before we finally leave the cycle of rebirth.

But suicide isn't just between a single person and their Higher Self. Suicide produces ripples of pain and suffering to those who remain behind. This ripple effect creates karma for the person who just killed themselves, for their act of suicide has a negative impact on so many. So, when the Soul returns for their next life (unaware once in body of what has happened before in countless past lives) they return with more karma than before they killed themselves. They return with a lower vibration. The next life has become so much harder because of their greater karma. 

The less karma you have the higher your vibration. 

The new Ray shawls are now online.

I have written the first in a series of articles on the Archangels. The first is about Archangel Michael.