8th March 2017

Heart hello.
I was in meditation this morning with Ma'at. What a lovely Master, if you don't know her connect into her portal painting (the grey and blue image( and sit with her. Her energy is so balanced and calming.

Ma'at is a third ray Ascneded Master, the pink ray of unconditional love.
Ma’at is also known as an Egyptian goddess. She is here to help with balance – balance within ourselves. Once we are balanced on all levels through all of our bodies, then we can start to present ourselves on every level in Truth, in other words - be authentic.
Ma’at is here to help those who need help in this process and so lead them to their own inner truth and their own authentic self.

Ma'at has an aura of soft pink, with a deep pink insertion at the top.

Ma'at has shoulder length straight black hair with a fringe. She has jeweled ribbons hanging at the front of her hair, she wears white all the time.

Her portal painting is blue and silvers just as a most of the Cosmic Masters, these portal painting were created by the Masters when their portal was being created by them here in New Zealand. The silver and blue reflect the implementation of divine will, first ray energy.

Waireti took this weeks free healing sessions. The Masters who stepped forward for the healing session were the second ray Masters - Jesus, Kuthumi, Lord Lanto and Lao Tze. They showed me the energy of going deep within each person. The energy seemed to come down through the crown chakra and into their sacred heart. They tell me many are closed off and they were sending beams of light into the inner darkness.

Until next week - blessings of light to you.
