4th October 2018

We are now back at the Ascended Masters portal after a month away. It is lovely to be back among the peaceful energies of the portal. Spring has erupted while we were away and we feel spring's uplifting energies all around us. El Morya was the healer for this week's free ascension healing. He gave healing on acceptance. Often we want to be right, we want our own way, our ego steps to the fore, but sometimes healing, balance and humility come with acceptance. Acceptance isn't giving in, it is allowing for something to be as it is. 

I recently had the chance to revisit a house clearing and blessing we did a while back. In a sea of dark energy, the house and land stood out within a vast area as a beacon of light. What a refuge the house must now be for it' owners. The Masters did great work clearing the house and land to a cellular level. While in the United Kingdom last month, Waireti and I were made aware once more of the layers of time and humanity in the homes, roads, pathways, farms, pubs and at the stone circles. Hundreds and even thousands of years of humanity in one place, each generation leaving their energy behind. We don't get this same layering of energy in New Zealand, so it always comes as a surprise when we are in it. It is easy to get drawn into the cycles of time, as snippets of the past would appear with a building or area. 

Blessings on your week ahead.