20th April 2017, Ascended Masters Diary

I had a list I had written with topics for this week and now I can't find it!

So it looks like the Masters have tossed my ideas, so let's see what they bring forward. LOL.

We now have 6 people passed the 7th initiation. It is one of those magical times in ascension. The 7th initiation is like emerging from a cocoon. The Higher Self is now 100% within your Holy Heart. And with this initiation comes the return of the wings. These wings come as a result of your origin. Everyone on the planet has an origin - angelic, reptilian or faerie. Each origin has wings. So it is a bit like Christmas to have these wings emerge. The colours are always gorgeous. Couple these with the aura colours of the Higher Self and the image and energy are just beautiful. So that is something to look forward to as you ascend. We now have 50 people who are sitting between the 6th and 7th initiation. Fifty more wings waiting to emerge.

Most of angelic origin already have a single wing, but at the 7th this is removed and a new full set are gifted. A true rebirth.

The Ascended Master healers this week were St John the Baptist, Mary Magdalene and Maha Chohan. The topic they addressed within each person on the healing list this week was inner strength, inner power. It is very easy to give our power away in lots of little ways. This session was to help claim that personal power and strength back. If you want to be included in 12 weeks  of free ascension healing just email us your photo on our contact page.