18th April 2018

I am struggling this week to be grounded. Waireti says she has never seen me so ungrounded and that is saying something. I am flying all over the place. Grounding oil is helping, but if I miss an application, I just am not present. It is like all the filaments of every reality are just sitting there, one dimension intersecting with another. Which dimension is mine? It can be scary. Every cell of my body feels as if it will just fly apart. Shifts are felt in the cells. Which makes me sound plain crazy, but that is what happens when we are not grounded at these higher initiations.

Being grounded means we are present, focused, and solid.

Ungrounded means we are loose in our thoughts and speech and we become unfocused and unbalanced. The higher we Ascend, the greater the need for being grounded. Especially after the 6th initiation, as we have no earth-star to ground us in the Mother Earth.

Being grounded means we interact effectively and we see and connect with the opportunities the universe presents to us. The Masters know what we are Ascending into, and I for one am so grateful for their grounding oil.

The Angels have been singing daily in the portal last week and this week. Waireti calls it choir practice.

The Masters want to talk a little this week about karma, specifically karma related to self. When we are critical of self, when we judge self, and when we berate self, we create karma in our solar plexus (self), throat chakra (communication), heart chakra (love), sacral chakra (relationships), and base chakra (security). Yes, we create karma for self, about self.

How we treat self has many sources. How we treat self is a pattern - patterns of action, speech, and thought. These patterns can be learned, can be ancestral, can be part of the lessons of the rays, and can come from past lives, personality, or astrological birth. Knowing we are created from so many influences means we have much to overcome to start the journey of treating ourselves with respect, compassion, kindness, and eventually love.

We can be so hard on self. When you read this today, look at self in kindness and know you are worthy of your love for you. That may be a step too far for some of you. If so, start with forgiveness of self. Forgiveness is a good first step in mending any relationship.

The healing Master this week for the free weekly healing session is the Ascended Master Paul the Venetian. He is a Master of the ray of unconditional love. He is giving healing this week on the blockages in the third eye, especially those that limit intuition. Intuition is a wonderful guide when it is in unencumbered and we listen to it.

Blessings on your week ahead.