13th December 2018

On this healing day, the Ascended Masters portal was the softest of blue, green and white, all swirling in a soft pillow like energy. Lay in the energy of the Masters for they will comfort you. Serapis Bey, St John the Baptist and Ptah gave this soft energy to those on the free healing list and beyond. Rest in us and we will sooth you. 

The graphics is an image of the colours in the portal. 

Tara found this diary entry from 2012 and sent it to me. I have to re-post it. Dom Ignacio was the founder of the Jesuit order. He had a great love of God and spent many hours a day in devotion to God. He would go through his day looking for God. I don't use the word 'God', I tend to replace it with terms that reflect ascension, like divinity, Higher Self, Love and Universe. Regardless, the sentiment is the same. 

Dom Ignacio says...

A smile from a stranger is God smiling at you, the catch of light on a fading sun is God saying, ‘I provide for you.’ Be in gratitude for all the signs of God around you, and in your gratitude, let your heart expand to include all of life's experiences. For they are there to teach you to be in God, for you to be the smiling stranger, for you to lend a helping hand. How can you serve your fellow beings and help them to see God through their day?