30th March 2018

Sorry for the delay in posting, the past life readings have formed a mound around us and I have also been doing new portal paintings. But here I am, present for this blog posting.

Melchizedek was all by himself for this week's free healing session. Each person got 15- 20 minutes from him on what he felt they needed the most, a mini personalized session. Nice.

Some of the Masters who walk with people as Ascension master, but who don't have a portal painting and therefore a portal card or print, have asked to paint their portal paintings through me to create portals. This is not a channel in the true sense of the word. Many years ago, the Masters gifted me with two crown chakras, one of which they utilize in times like this so they can come through in complete purity without interference from me. This allows for a pure channel.

Portia's portal is above.

There are many layers to the painting, layer upon layer building in the portal. When it is complete, I ask Waireti to look at Portia, her energy, and the portal to see if all are the same. Discernment in all things. I always ask Waireti to check. I have learned that to be scared of the response is ego. To work at the highest, I need to be able to stop, check, and be open to the realization that it may not be as I expect.

To get it right, I have to be open to what she says.

Blessings on your week.