15th March 2018

The healing Masters who stepped forward for this week's free Ascension healing were St. John the Baptist and Dom Ignacio. We had a lovely day of toning and singing as they worked with people, balancing their energies with their physical bodies. Email us with your recent photo if you want to go on the 12 week free healing list.

I want to share an experience I had recently.

To put it into context, about 15-20 years ago I was privileged to witness the greater powers we exist within at work. I was taking a shortcut through a service alley between two big buildings and two major roads. As I was walking, a car passed me and time slowed. I saw a curtain of light appear at the top of the alley. The car passed through the curtain and instead of turning right into the one way traffic system, it turned left into the oncoming traffic and there was a head-on collision. I firmly believe this was destiny at work; this curse of events was meant to occur just in this way and the curtain was the influence that made these events transpire.

Recently, I was shown again how the bigger picture is created, but this time in regards to karma. We all create karma daily with our thoughts, words, and actions. The lords of karma or ‘powers that be’ determine how we do this- it may be a cut, a knock, a headache, or something more severe.

In my recent experience, the world slowed again. I had turned quickly, and as the world slowed, I could see my hand was going to get hit on the edge of the fridge. But as I watched, the speed of my arm kept adjusting as it hit a series of energy barriers between it and the fridge, and by the time my hand reached the fridge, there was only the tiniest of taps. The potential for karma payment was re-calibrated and no harm came to me.

This made me wonder about the vast system of planning and calibrating that occurs with destiny and karma. Amazing forces are at work around each one of us. So the next time you cut your finger, think of the karma that is being paid and what was happening behind the scenes to assist you in your Ascension.

Past life reading - We have been asked by several people over the last 18 months to bring back the Past Life reading. We are going to do this with changes. It is now the Past Life Pattern reading as we are an Ascension site. The importance of clearing patterns of behavior and patterns of thinking are so important and many of these patterns are derived from Past Lives.

We are bringing back the full reading and introducing a half reading on past life patterns. The half reading does not outline the five lives that influence this current life the most, but concentrates on the first half of the full reading which is about percentages and numbers. For example, the total number of human lives, lives of planet, spiritual lives, religious lives, death methods, young deaths, poverty and wealth, male and female, and much more. Waireti reads these like a bar code as they reside in the soul seat.

The readings are here for a short time. They take a lot of energy and burn out comes quickly as Waireti and I both travel back in time to these five lives.

Healing shawls - We have some new healing shawls in the store that are oversize and patterned. They are cotton and modal. Take a look, some of them are a bit wild.

Crystal Ascended Masters portal - Ma'at's crystal portal is still with us. I spoke about her in last week’s diary. She is now online in our store. Ma'at is a 3rd ray Master, a master of Love.

Blessings on your week.